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hey i'm Dale and i'm studying Computer Games Design at UCS Ipswich aiming to become a games designer :D

Monday 31 October 2011

In the beginning there is the designer (notes)

These notes are from a section from the book The Art of Game Design: a Book of Lenses > In the Beginning There is the Designer.What I learned from the chapter of this book is that i should build my own confidence by saying phrases to myself such as:
"I am a Games Designer"
"I am a Games Designer"
"I am a Games Designer"
"I am a Games Designer"
"I am a Games Designer"
I also learned to not let failures get me down as there are certainly a large amount of failures in the games industry and that I should learn from my mistakes and improve upon them. I also learned the need to listen to others for opinions and critique.
Costikyan mentions in his book Passion/Talent
This means that if you have talent and not passion you wont make it. But if you have passion you can develope talent with hard work.

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