About Me

hey i'm Dale and i'm studying Computer Games Design at UCS Ipswich aiming to become a games designer :D

Monday 31 October 2011

Costikyan article 'I have no words i must design' notes

Interaction is a choice with an outcome or a purpose. In my opinion a game has to have an outcome for what the player does. for example when a player talks to an NPC in an RPG that NPC will give them a quest. There has to be a possible outcome of a player talking to an NPC in order to make the player want to do so in order to give the player some control over the game state.

Any game will need goals that are set in the game, or allow players to make their own goals in order to be successful. Goals are objectives or interaction with a purpose.

Structure is what shapes the players behaviour while playing the game. The structure of a good game also depends on endogenous meaning. Endogenous meaning is a word that Costikyan brought from the world of biology to game design means "caused by factors inside the organism or system."
This word is used by Costikyan to state that the value of things such as an item that grants HP +10% in a game like Final Fantasy only has that value when it is in the game.

All games have different kinds of struggles that the player has to overcome in order to win. Sturggle in games also gives rise to competition between players. Competition between players then gives rise to a way to improve and get better that can be found by the players.

In the beginning there is the designer (notes)

These notes are from a section from the book The Art of Game Design: a Book of Lenses > In the Beginning There is the Designer.What I learned from the chapter of this book is that i should build my own confidence by saying phrases to myself such as:
"I am a Games Designer"
"I am a Games Designer"
"I am a Games Designer"
"I am a Games Designer"
"I am a Games Designer"
I also learned to not let failures get me down as there are certainly a large amount of failures in the games industry and that I should learn from my mistakes and improve upon them. I also learned the need to listen to others for opinions and critique.
Costikyan mentions in his book Passion/Talent
This means that if you have talent and not passion you wont make it. But if you have passion you can develope talent with hard work.

Monday 17 October 2011


yes, ZOMBIE! heres my version of Phil Jacksons drawing from last fridays design methods lecture and i have to say I am happy with the result.

Sunday 16 October 2011

First Game post 2

Since my last blog post ive been tryin to upload my game but alas I could not find out.
Well since I can't find out how to upload the game for anyone viewing. Anyway here are some screenshots of my game:

This is the first screen of my game and it just shows the start of it before the ball drops and the player beings to play.

This second screen shows after the game has started.
As you can see the Bounce counter and the
HighScore counter have both increased.
The HighScore counter also changes accordingly
even when the game continues

Also if you want to play around with the game and change the code and whatnot just comment and i'll post it.

Monday 10 October 2011

First Game

Im coding my first little game as practice right now. just using simple youtube tutorials so i get used to the idea of coding. not as boring as i first though and now im looking forward to how it turns out (hopefully no errors) and if i can upload it i will do so later tonight.