About Me

hey i'm Dale and i'm studying Computer Games Design at UCS Ipswich aiming to become a games designer :D

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Royal Game of Ur Iterations

The iterations that I made for the game were few in number but I believe that they changed the game play and the player choices considerably. The new rules are as follows:

  • 1D4 die used instead of 4 D4 die with each "point" facing up only counting for moving 1 space.
  • when moving, the player does not have the option to pass their go.
  • Jumping over and landing on enemies takes them, this rule does not work on enemy pieces that are on rosette squares.
  • If you destroy and enemy piece you are given another go.
  • "piggybacking", this means that a player can stack multiple pieces once they are on the board onto the same square and then move them altogether with one roll of the dice, the is a high risk/high reward feature because if the enemy lands on the stack then ALL of the pieces are destroyed. 

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